We support the #ReAct Programme and help businesses in a time of crisis!
On 17 June, partners Thierry Kauffman, Michel Nickels and Senior Associate Florence Apostolou hosted a webinar entitled “Legal advice for established entrepreneurs”, to advise entrepreneurs on the right steps to take when looking for advice from a lawyer in Luxembourg.
Michel Nickels and Thierry Kauffman specialise in real estate, corporate law and commercial litigation, respectively. They shared their expertise on the necessary steps to set up a company, the different types of legal entities and contracts companies can set up, costs and reoccurring obligations, rental leases; conclusion of the lease contract or acquisition of a building. They advised on the possibilities for flourishing companies to invest in staff training and employee profit-sharing programmes. They also discussed worst-case scenarios for companies in difficulty, including bankruptcy and judicial liquidation.
Florence Apostolou who specialises in labour law discussed, among other things; recruitment, employment contracts (CDD/CDI), health and security in the workplace and different types of remuneration.
A warm thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for welcoming us to the #ReAct programme and for hosting our webinar on their platform.
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, designated a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation, is having a significant impact on the economy and businesses.
In association with the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce, Elvinger Hoss Prussen is supporting the #ReAct programme providing pro-bono legal support to help entrepreneurs looking for active listening and strategic support in managing the crisis period and restarting their activities.
There are three pillars to the programme:
- Community-based sharing of experiences and tools, for example online workshops,
- Personal check-ups to monitor the current situation and identify the challenges faced by the entrepreneur, and
- The implementation of a concrete action plan as well as human, strategic and legal support for businesses.
Since May 2020, the #ReAct programme has received more than 300 requests from entrepreneurs. Today more than ever, solidarity is essential to help businesses get through this unprecedented crisis.
For more information on the #ReAct programme, please click here.
Thierry Kauffman, Partner | Tel: +352 44 66 44 5312 | E-mail: thierrykauffman@elvingerhoss.lu Michel Nickels, Partner | Tel: +352 44 66 44 2241 | E-mail: michelnickels@elvingerhoss.lu Florence Apostolou, Senior Associate | Tel: +352 44 66 44 2142 | E-mail: florenceapostolou@elvingerhoss.lu