Elvinger Hoss Prussen supports the CNFL project of the Centenary Sculpture!

Elvinger Hoss Prussen supports the CNFL project of the Centenary Sculpture!

Elvinger Hoss Prussen supports the CNFL project of the Centenary Sculpture!

The Centenary sculpture represents the participation of women in the first elections by direct universal suffrage in 1919. This constitutes a major step towards equality between women and men in our society. The introduction of universal suffrage made it possible for all citizens, men and women, to go to the polls. Until that date, the vote was subject to the cens, according to the volume of the tax paid, and reserved only for the male population aged at least 25 years.

It is the Luxembourgish artist Nadine Zangarini, who created the statue of the centenary of the right to vote for women and the miniature reproductions. The bronze represents a woman dressed in her time, sketching the simple, but very strong gesture of depositing her ballot.

In line with our values of equality between women and men, we are very proud to have supported this project and to have the sculpture displayed in our offices.