Anne-Laure Mollard

Luxembourg office
Anne-Laure Mollard has been acting for major international financial institutions, international companies and fund managers in structuring and organising alternative investment funds (AIFs) with a strong focus on private equity, real estate, debt, and infrastructure funds. She also acts on all matters relating to the activities of such AIFs, including investment management and advisory issues, transactions and financing thereof.
Anne-Laure has also advised clients in a number of real estate and private equity transactions on formation of joint ventures, corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance.
Career and memberships
Lecturer at the House of Training, formerly the IFBL (Institut de Formation Bancaire, Luxembourg).
Member of the EFAMA Stewardship, Market Integrity & ESG Investment Standing Committee.
Member of the Luxembourg Bar since 2009.
Maîtrise in European law from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (France).
Master’s degree in applied Community law from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (France).