Cheikh Ndiaye

Luxembourg office
Cheikh Ndiaye specialises in collective investment funds and other investment vehicles. Cheikh’s practice encompasses a broad range of alternative investment funds (including private equity, real estate and hedge funds), as well as undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities.
Cheikh also advises a number of investment fund promoters and other financial institutions in relation to the acquisition, set-up, structuring and administration of their Luxembourg investment fund operations.
Career and memberships
Member of the delegation of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for a Multi-sectorial economic mission in Senegal in 2016.
Member of the Comité de la Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Luxembourg in 2014-2015.
Member of the Luxembourg Bar since 2011.
Master’s degree in international and European business law from the Université Nancy 2 (France).
Certificate in private international law of The Hague Academy of International Law (Netherlands).