CSSF updates AML/CTF FAQs for individuals/investors

On 15 November 2019, the CSSF published an updated version of the FAQs regarding anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing ("AML/CTF") addressed to individuals/investors.

The twenty Q&As serve as guidance on the essential concepts and relevant players involved in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing ("ML/TF") and include references to the relevant legal and regulatory texts with respect to AML/CTF applicable to the financial sector. They specify, inter alia

  1. - the meaning of money laundering (and its stages) and terrorist financing; 
  2. - the meaning of international financial sanctions within the context of the fight against terrorist financing; 
  3. - the role of the Financial Action Task Force as an international AML/CTF standard-setter; 
  4. - the reasons for the fight against ML/TF; 
  5. - the concept of “politically exposed persons” and the risks related to them; 
  6. - common fraud mechanisms to which investors may be directly exposed; 
  7. - which authorities, investors/customers can contact in the event of a prejudice.

A set of Q&As is centred on the CSSF’s role, explaining its responsibility for the preventive part of the fight against ML/TF, while the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Public Prosecutor’s Office is competent from a criminal point of view. The CSSF’s supervisory approach with respect to AML/CTF as well as its investigatory and sanctioning powers are also described.

Another set of Q&As explains the obligations of the professionals in the financial sector. They are required to comply with the obligations set out in AML/CTF texts, including those set out in Regulation (EU) 2015/8471. Further indications as to when and what kind of information and documents they are obliged to obtain and keep in relation to clients are also given, with a focus on the requirements stemming from the aforementioned Regulation.

1 Regulation (EU) 2015/847 of 20 May 2015 on information accompanying transfers of funds.