Dematerialisation of requests to the CSSF

On 1 July 2019, the CSSF published Circular 19/721 which informs supervised entities, including but not limited to UCITS, Part II UCIs1, SIFs2, SICARs3, Luxembourg management companies and AIFMs, of the establishment of an electronic desk portal ("eDesk Portal").

This eDesk Portal will have to be used for all the requests listed and published on the homepage of the eDesk Portal.

As of today, only the PRIIPs4 assessment request referred to in the Article "New CSSF PRIIPs assessment", is listed on the eDesk Portal.

In this respect, Circular 19/721 expressly provides that all entities must check themselves on a regular basis the homepage of the eDesk Portal in order to be informed of any update of the list of requests. In addition, all entities must ensure that all requests that are applicable to them are completed appropriately and in due time via the eDesk Portal.

1Part II UCIs” refers to Undertakings for collective investment subject to Part II of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, as amended.
2SIFs” refers to Specialised Investment Funds subject to the Luxembourg Law of 13 February 2007 relating to specialised investment funds, as amended
3SICARs” refers to Investment Company in Risk Capital subject to the Luxembourg Law of 15 June 2004 relating to the investment company in risk capital, as amended.
4PRIIPs” refers to Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products within the meaning of the PRIIPs Regulation (EU) 1286/2014.