eDesk mandate for law firms/legal advisors

As from 11 December 2019, investment funds can sign a mandate in order to authorise their respective law firm or legal advisor to proceed with the formalities and to liaise on their behalf on the CSSF eDesk platform, and to provide the CSSF with any information concerning them.

The mandate notably empowers law firms or legal advisors to complete the CSSF PRIIPs assessment1 on behalf of a fund. The mandate is available on eDesk in English and in French.

It includes an undertaking by the investment fund:

  1. - to verify on a regular basis (at least once a year) the data released on eDesk; and 
  2. - to inform the CSSF immediately if it notices that an information, request or assessment transmitted to the CSSF and/or the data released on eDesk regarding the fund is incomplete, inaccurate or false.

No similar mandate is currently available on eDesk to act on behalf of managers (eg. AIFMs and UCITS management companies). 

1 See the article “PRIIPs assessment: New CSSF press release” in this Newsletter.