Investment fund managers: English version of CSSF Circular 18/698

An English version of Circular 18/698 is now available on the CSSF's website. As a reminder, this Circular relates to the approval process and organisation of both UCITS management companies and AIFMs (both together being referred to in the Circular as “Investment Fund Managers”). It also contains provisions regarding management companies subject to Chapter 16 management companies1 and anti-money laundering provisions which are applicable not only to Investment Fund Managers but also to registrar agents.

More information on this Circular is available on our website (see our Newsflash "New CSSF Circular for Luxembourg investment fund managers and AML requirements applicable to investment fund managers and registrar agents").

1 "Chapter 16 management companies" refers to management companies governed by Chapter 16 of the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as amended.