Newsletter March 2021
- Newsletters
- Posted 31.03.2021

Asset management and investment funds
- Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation: EU and Luxembourg updates
- UCITS/AIFs: Supervision of costs and fees
- UCITS/certain types of AIFs: ESMA Guidelines on performance fees
- UCITS/UCIs/AIFs: Use of securities financing transactions
- Marketing of foreign UCIs to retail investors in Luxembourg
- Money market funds update
- CSSF position on transfer of investors' data
Administrative law
- Right of Members of Parliament to have access to documents
- Preemption right: Procedure under the Law ‘Pacte Logement’
Corporate, banking and finance
- Sustainable finance developments
- Further specifications to the AML Law
- New rules on corporate governance
- New Luxembourg framework for restrictive measures in financial matters
- Right to silence for individuals charged with market abuse offences
- Directive amending MiFID II in view of EU post-COVID 19 recovery
- Hard Brexit for financial services
- No financial assistance criminal offence for S.à
Employment and pensions law
- Telework
- Parental leave guaranteed when unemployed at the time of birth or adoption
- Working time – Rest period
EU law, competition and antitrust
ICT, IP, media and data protection
- GDPR - Transfers of personal data in the UCI world after Schrems II
- Luxembourg law recognises issuance of dematerialised securities in blockchains
- The impact of the Brexit deal on personal data transfers from the EU to the UK
- Focus on European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act
- European Commission’s Action Plan on Intellectual Property
- The Data Governance Act - regulating access to data held by public authorities
- Regulating access to Open Data - free access to data held by public bodies
- ePrivacy Regulation: The return?
- VAT treatment of cross-border company cars
- Non-deductibility of interest and royalties due to “blacklisted countries”
- Luxembourg tax authorities’ guidance on interest deduction limitation rule
- Modernisation of Luxembourg VAT law
- The 2021 budget Law
- Exchange of Information in Tax Matters – CJUE joined Cases C-245/19 and C-246/19
- CRS: Amended lists of participating and reportable jurisdictions
- CbC reporting: Amended list of reportable jurisdictions
- Application of the EU Participation Exemption Regime to Gibraltar companies
- Tax treaties news