British Chamber of Commerce: Sustainability enablers in Luxembourg

British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
When 25.09.2024
Where Luxembourg, Elvinger Hoss Offices

We were delighted to host the “Sustainability enablers in Luxembourg” event in collaboration with the British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg at our premises. Partner Tom Göricke gave a welcome speech, focusing on our ESG Legal Services, while sustainability officer Jeanne Mocellin presented our firm's ESG initiatives.

The conference represented an excellent opportunity to get ideas from ESG experts on sustainable practices and to network with other Chamber members and guests.

British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference discussion
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference discussion
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference discussion
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference discussion
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech
British Chamber of Commerce ESG conference speech

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