Elvinger Hoss Prussen advised ArcelorMittal on the Luxembourg law aspects relating to its offering of EUR 500,000,000 3.125% per cent notes due 13 December 2028 and EUR 500,000,000 3.500% per cent notes due 13 December 2031 (totaling an EUR 1,000,000,000 aggregate principal amount) under ArcelorMittal's EUR 10,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme.
In a separate matter our firm also advised ArcelorMittal on the Luxembourg law aspects relating to its offering of USD 500,000,000 6.000% per cent notes due 2034 and USD 500,000,000 6.350% per cent notes due 2054 totaling an USD 1,000,000,000 aggregate principal amount.
The teams were lead by Partner Thierry Kauffman and supported by Senior Associate Ana Franco and Senior Professional Support Lawyer Karolina Szpinda as well as Lawyer Florian Berg.