Macide Candan

Luxembourg office
Macide Candan is a finance specialist with a dedicated focus on transfer pricing. She advises both Luxembourgish and international clients with respect to all types of related party transactions, including financial transactions (loans, guarantees, credit rating, debt capacity etc.), asset management transactions, goods, services and intellectual property. She is involved in a wide range of services such as transfer pricing risk assessment, planning, design and implementation of transfer pricing policies, transfer pricing documentation and transfer pricing audits and other procedures.
Career and memberships
Joined Elvinger Hoss Prussen in 2020. Prior joining the firm, Macide worked for more than five years as a manager in the transfer pricing department of Big Four firms in Luxembourg.
Founding member of LTPA
Member of ALFI
Master’s degree in corporate and market finance from the Université de Strasbourg (France).
Master’s degree in legal and financial engineering from the Université de Strasbourg (France).