ESG – Sustainable finance update

During the last quarter of 2022, several pieces of legislation and other guidance documents related to sustainable finance in the asset management industry have been published by national and European authorities.

Amongst these are:

  • the CSSF FAQ on Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial sector ("SFDR");
  • the ESAs' Q&A on the SFDR RTS;
  • the new RTS on nuclear energy and fossil gas investment disclosures under SFDR adopted by the European Commission;
  • the EU Commission FAQ on certain provisions of Disclosure Delegated Act under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation;
  • the MiFID II product governance rules: Integration of sustainability factors;
  • the ESMA Guidelines on MiFID II suitability requirements (final report);
  • the ESMA Consultation on guidelines on funds' names using ESG or sustainability-related terms.

Each of these documents are detailed in the article "ESG – Sustainable Finance Update" published on our website.

In addition, an article on the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which will notably extend the scope of application of the non-financial information reporting obligation, is available in the Corporate, Finance and Banking section of this Newsletter.