Abilways Luxembourg Real Estate conference

When 26 to 27.02.2025
Where Luxembourg

Partners Stéphanie Pautot, Elisabeth Adam and Anna Hermelinski-Ayache will be sharing their expertise in real estate restructuring  during a panel discussion on the subject of ‘Restructurations immobilières: clés de réussite et pièges à éviter’ at the Luxembourg Real Estate conference organised by Abilways Luxembourg on 26 and 27 February in Luxembourg. 

Over the years, the conference has become a must for the real estate sector in Luxembourg. This edition’s focus will lie on the structuring of real estate transactions and emerging trends in the office, retail and residential markets. A spotlight will also be shone on new energy solutions and their impact on the sector's carbon footprint. Without forgetting the legal and tax aspects, essential for navigating a constantly evolving regulatory environment.

For more information about the conference please visit the Abilways website.