Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-1
When 18 to 22.03.2024
Where Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing

The partners of Elvinger Hoss Prussen were delighted to host a series of three Luxembourg-Asia Seminars: Monday, 18 March in Hong Kong, Wednesday, 20 March in Shanghai and Friday, 22 March in Beijing. These exclusive and invitation-only events were focused on optimising outbound investments to Europe through Luxembourg and exploring the advantages of establishing a fund in Luxembourg to enhance fundraising capabilities. The seminars leveraged the renewed enthusiasm for economic recovery in Asia, tap into growing outbound investment trend and showed Luxembourg's appeal as an investment hub. By facilitating knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration, the events aimed at leveraging the groundwork for fruitful partnerships and contributing to the future growth and development of both economies.

The events showcase valuable insights on the Luxembourg financial landscape from our partners:

  • Katia Panichi: Partner and member of the Management Board of Elvinger Hoss Prussen, with extensive expertise in, among other things, Corporate/M&A and financing
  • Xavier Le Sourne: Partner concentrating on investment fund structuring and collective asset management, in charge of the firm’s office in Paris
  • Charlotte Chen: Partner in charge of the Hong Kong office, specialising in the establishment and structuring of investment funds
  • Nadège Le Gouellec: Partner focusing on tax considerations and structuring possibilities

Key seminar topics included ‘How to Structure Your Outbound Investment Through Luxembourg: A Close Look at Structuration Possibilities and Tax Considerations’  and ‘How to Extend Fundraising Basis: Setting up a Fund in Luxembourg Ranging from Retail to Professional Investors’.

We would like to thank all those who attended the events our events as well as our honoured and special guests: Ambassador Roland Reiland, the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Madam Tania Berchem, the Consul General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Michael Chow, Managing Director and Responsible Officer of Fullgoal Asset Management (Best Total Return of the Offshore China Fund Awards). Your presence has greatly enriched our discussions and contributed to the success of our Luxembourg-Asia Seminars.

Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-3
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-6
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-5
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-4
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-14
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-10
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-9
Luxembourg-Asia Seminars 2024-8