Diversity Day – Support of local artists
- Commitment
- Posted 30.08.2022

As part of Diversity Day and in support of local artists, we had the pleasure to host an artistic exhibition of the works of Tom Wagener on our premises. The exhibition was organised under our banner "Elvinger Hoss Arts" in collaboration with Handicap International.
Tom, who has Down syndrome, discovered painting more than 20 years ago during an art workshop in an institution for people with mental disabilities. Our firm is happy to have recently acquired his painting “Wildflowers” as a sign of our encouragement for Luxembourg artists.
The piece was installed in the lobby of our offices at 5, Place Winston Churchill in the presence of the artist, Managing Partner Manou Hoss and HR & Diversity Officer Romain Luga.

Wildflowers, 2020
Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 100 cm