Elvinger Hoss Prussen provided legal advice to CVC Capital Partners VIII Limited (“CVC”) in connection with the acquisition by Sunray Investments Luxembourg S.à r.l. of all of the shares in Stock Spirits Group Plc (the “Target”), one of the leading spirits and liqueurs businesses in Europe with a portfolio of more than 70 brands across a broad range of spirits. The Target has been purchased through the acquisition of 100% of the issued share capital of the Target, with such acquisition structured as a scheme of arrangement under the UK Citi code on takeovers and mergers (the “Acquisition”).
In order to facilitate the Acquisition and its financing, Elvinger Hoss Prussen also provided legal advice to CVC with respect to the set-up of the acquisition structure constituted, among others, of five Luxembourg private limited liability companies.
Finally, Evinger Hoss Prussen also advised CVC in connection with the financing of the Acquisition by external financing under a senior facilities agreement, shareholder debt financing and equity financing and the setting up of the related security structure.
The team was led by partner Katia Panichi and included Senior Associate Caroline Bocklandt and Associate Kérane Franchet.