Journée de l’ALJB 2024 - Diagonales au travers du droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg

Journée de l’ALJB 2024
When 11.06.2024
Where Spuerkeess Headquarters, Luxembourg

On the occasion of the publication of the Jubilee Book entitiled 'Droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg 2024', Luxembourg Banking and Financial Law Association (ALJB) organised the Journée de l’ALJB 2024 - Diagonales au travers du droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg on 11 June.

Partners Katia Panichi and Caroline Bocklandt were among the speakers, and introduced their article included in the book and entitled 'L’assistance financière en droit luxembourgeois: état des lieux'.

Published in six volumes, the Jubilee Book on banking and financial law in Luxembourg features articles by our firm’s lawyers:

Article Title


Legislative and regulatory developments of interest for the financial industry (2014–2023) Partners Jacques Elvinger, Philippe HossAndré Hoffmann, Philippe Prussen, Gary Cywie, Azadeh Djazayeri, Nadege Le Gouellec, Katrien Veranneman and Counsel Aurélie Budzin-Dang
Acquisitions of qualifying holdings in the financial sector: obtaining regulatory approvalPartners Tiago Nogueira, Senior Associate Floris Van Rymenants and Associate Pauline Bazin
Impact of the new crypto regulations on the Luxembourg fund and financial industries Partner Karl Pardaens and Senior Advisor Benoit Nerriec
L'assistance financière en droit luxembourgeois: état des lieuxPartners Katia Panichi and Caroline Bocklandt
La fin des mesures d’exception favorables aux réunions des organes sociaux: réflexions «post-Covid» Senior Associate Jean-Baptiste Lhuillier
La mue numérique du droit des sociétés Partner Patrick Santer
Le devoir de non-ingérence du banquier: une peau de chagrin? Partner Elisabeth Omes and Associate Camille Reckinger
Les offres obligatoires sous la loi OPA Partners Philippe Hoss and Thierry Kauffman, and Senior Associate Ben Reckinger
The EU Charter and the CJEU: safeguarding fundamental rights in the age of data proliferation and transparency? Partners Laura Arpetti and Katrien Veranneman
VAT exemption of management fees: does  the CJEU sail by sight? Partner Elisabeth Adam and Counsel Aurélie Budzin-Dang
Transfer pricing in Luxembourg: overview and key takeawaysSenior Advisor Macide Candan

For more information, please visit Larcier Intersentia or Anthemis websites.