Our team
We rely on the expertise and experience of a multidisciplinary team
Olivier Lantus
Associate -
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Mathilde Abdallah
Assistant -
Imane Abdallaoui
Associate -
Melissa Adjilli
Associate -
Alice Agard
Associate -
Deniz Aktas
Associate -
Esra Aktas
Associate -
Send an email
Osamah Naeem Al-Dulaimi
Logistics -
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Kim Albert
Assistant -
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Iva Alivodaj
Assistant -
Allison Berna
Associate -
Massimo Alva Gamboa
Associate -
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Alysone Ciardiello
Assistant -
Diane Amado
Associate -
Adeline Amorin da Cunha
Associate -
Send an email
Fanny Andrade
Assistant -
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Théo Antolini
IT -
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Elizabeth Antunes Costa
Reception -
Benoît Arnaud
Associate -
Antoinette Assi
Associate -
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Philippe Bak
Infrastructures -
Jacques Bakulu
Associate -
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Jade Banella
Marketing -
Zoé Bannier
Associate -
Berkay Baran
Associate -
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Giorgia Barbieri
Assistant -
Rebecca Barresi
Associate -
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Julien Baudry
Paralegal -
Pauline Bazin
Associate -
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Elise Beerens
Assistant -
Leila Belard
Associate -
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Hassna Ben Omar
Assistant -
Salma Bencherif
Associate -
Florian Berg
Associate -
Inès Berguio
Associate -
Quentin Berlenguer
Associate -
Send an email
Christel Bertin
General Manager -
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Manon Bettinger
Assistant -
Lada Bevz
Associate -
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Pauline Bez
Assistant -
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Nicole Bintener
Assistant -
François Birden
Associate -
Justine Blanc-Deleuze
Associate -
Florence Bonnière
Associate -
Benjamin Bontemps
Associate -
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Guillaume Borneque
Accounting and billing -
Océane Bostelle
Associate -
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Soraya Botzem
Assistant -
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Paul Bousch
Compliance -
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Michaella Brandao Dias
Accounting and Billing -
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Marie Brebion
Assistant -
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Christiane Brenner
Assistant -
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Marie-Christine Brossas
Assistant -
Victoria Brugmans
Associate -
Brenda Bruzzesi
Associate -
Vincent Bsarani
Associate -
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Laurence Gravier-Bubel
Accounting and billing -
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Nell Buggenhoudt
Assistant -
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Lise Busser
Paralegal -
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Sarah Capone
Assistant -
Lorenzo Cappelli
Associate -
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Lucas Caramanno
IT -
Paola Cardile
Associate -
Carolina Carranza
Associate -
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Maud Cerami
Marketing -
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Clémentine Chaxel
Assistant -
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Sophie Chérancé
Assistant -
Yunji Cho
Associate -
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Eivissa Chretien
Assistant -
Constance Chuillet
Associate -
Federico Ciarrocchi
Associate -
Claudia Cireneu Ferreira Da Costa
Associate -
Ana-Carina Cirjan
Associate -
Manon Coeymans
Knowledge development -
Romain Coia
Associate -
Jonathan Concy
Compliance -
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Gerald Contreras
Reception -
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Eadie Cook
Human Resources -
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Corentin Dal Pra
Compliance -
Giulia Cosi
Associate -
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Léonie Cron
Assistant -
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Léana Croquette-Farah
Human Resources -
Camille Cuny
Associate -
Rose-Stella Cuter
Associate -
Dimitri Cuvelier
Associate -
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Gauthier Czeladka
Billing -
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Carla Da Costa
Assistant -
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Ana Da Veiga Rocha
Accounting and billing -
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Al Jarreau Salac Dadivas
Logistics -
Camie Davin
Associate -
Dariy Davletgaliyev
Associate -
Giulia De Giorgi
Associate -
Stephen De Ron
Associate -
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Laurence Dedobbeleer
Compliance -
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Florence Degand
Knowledge development -
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Justine Denis
Human Resources -
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Warda Derrer
Marketing -
Gauthier Devriendt
Associate -
Simon Dewalque
Associate -
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Rosa-Anna Di Noia
Assistant -
Roberto Diaz
Associate -
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Valentine Dion
Assistant -
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Philippe Domagala
Reception -
Hugo Douilly
Associate -
Tiphaine Dourte
Associate -
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Daniel Duarte
Logistics -
Camelia Dumitru
Associate -
Elise Dysli
Associate -
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Anne-Sophie Ehlinger
Facilities -
Sarah El Begar
Associate -
Mehdi El Harki
Associate -
Send an email
Sarra El Jadid
Assistant -
Iman El Ouarrak
Associate -
Emmanuel Turpin
Associate -
Estelle Alvarez
Associate -
Sophie Fafchamps
Associate -
Send an email
Emilie Favita
Reception -
Julie Felten
Associate -
Gonzalo Fernandez-Vaquero
Associate -
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Sarah Ferrian
Knowledge development -
Laure Filartigue
Associate -
Konstantinos Fistas
Associate -
Send an email
Gaétan Formica
Assistant -
Jacopo Fraccalanza
Associate -
Kérane Franchet
Associate -
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Gilles Francioni
Logistics -
Lucy Furtado
Associate -
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Lorenzo Gabrielli
IT -
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Milana Gamage
Assistant -
Hugo Garcia
Associate -
Emma Garniaux
Associate -
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Anne Geoffroy
Human Resources -
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Luc Gerne
Assistant -
Julien Gigliarelli
Associate -
Nicolas Gilbert
Associate -
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Florian Gilles
Assistant -
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Andrea Godefroid
Compliance -
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Cynthia Goncalves Cabral
Assistant -
Demian Gonzalez
Associate -
Raquel Gonzalez Urbano
Associate -
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Aurélie Goret
Assistant -
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Nadine Gort
Assistant -
Natasha Graas
Associate -
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Izabela Gral
Marketing -
Clémentine Grasset
Associate -
Georges Gratia
Associate -
Send an email
Héloise Grenez
Assistant -
Rafaëlle Gross
Associate -
Florian Grycza
Associate -
Charles Guillard Somers
Associate -
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Lauriane Guilmain
Human Resources -
Hacer Cal
Associate -
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Sébastien Halbardier
Assistant -
Elisa Halm
Associate -
Vincent Hamen
Associate -
Matthieu Hanin
Associate -
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Bianka Harabeli
Assistant -
Elisabeth Herbiet
Associate -
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Julie Hestroffer
Accounting and billing -
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Thibauld Heymans
Communication -
Yasmina Hlioua
Associate -
Mélanie Hochstrasser
Associate -
Mathilde Horemans
Associate -
Lena Hoss
Associate -
Ozan Imrek
Associate -
Daryna Ivaniuta
Associate -
Send an email
Guillaume Joalland
Paralegal -
Joanna Challuau
Associate -
Aedan Job
Associate -
Send an email
Pauline Phailin Joos
Assistant -
Juliette Jordant
Associate -
Gwëlane Jubin
Associate -
Emma Kaivers
Associate -
Caroline Kam
Associate -
Rouguiata Kane
Associate -
Send an email
Lukasz Kania
Assistant -
Sarah Karpuz
Associate -
Amélie Kemp
Associate -
Leïla Khane
Associate -
Lynn Kieffer
Associate -
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Yanina Kinkels
Assistant -
Léopold Kirgo
Associate -
Sara Kobal
Associate -
Cynthia Kombe
Associate -
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Ivan Körmendi
IT & Digital Innovation -
Chonou Daniel Kouassi
Associate -
Marleen Krausch
Associate -
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Margaux Labalette
Assistant -
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Christelle Lahik
Accounting & Billing -
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Christophe Lallement
IT -
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Maud Lambert
Assistant -
Octavio Lanzi
Associate -
Dorian Lathuilliere
Associate -
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Marion Laurain
Assistant -
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Colin Le Stum
Assistant -
Matisse Lebrun
Associate -
Julie Leclercq
Associate -
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Juliette Leclere
Human Resources -
Hugues Lefranc
Associate -
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Cécile Legras
Assistant -
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Elodie Lejeune
Assistant -
Chiara Lepore
Associate -
Jingquan Li
Associate -
Nicolas Liban
Associate -
Virginie Lifrange
Associate -
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Corina Lin
Assistant -
Ann List
Associate -
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Johan Löffel
Assistant -
Valeria Lopez Saez
Associate -
Constantin Lube
Associate -
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Romain Luga
Human Resources -
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Nadine Mabiala
Assistant -
Ugo Madoglio
Associate -
Estelle Maire
Associate -
Hugo Mallejac
Lawyer -
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Stéphanie Mallinger
Assistant -
Coline Maloisel
Associate -
Amina Mamouni
Associate -
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Anne-Sophie Mangin
Assistant -
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Camille Mantzer
Assistant -
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Stéphanie Marchand
Compliance -
Giovanni Marenco
Associate -
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Isabel Marques
Reception -
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Maëlle Marschall
Assistant -
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Caroline Martel
Assistant -
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Brice Martinet-Andrieux
Accounting and billing -
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Benoît Massart
Compliance -
Lucie Massy Delhotel
Associate -
Romée Mathis
Associate -
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Tun May
Reception -
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Pierre Meilheuret
Assistant -
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Karim Menaouli
Logistics -
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Bruno Mengal
Accounting and billing -
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Elena Merolli
Assistant -
Koenraad Mertens
Associate -
Lili Mesenburg
Associate -
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Sandrine Messer
Accounting and billing -
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Marie Meyer
Facilities -
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Carine Michels
Knowledge development -
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Valérie Michiels
Communication -
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Roberto Millich
Assistant -
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Javier Minaya
Assistant -
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Kristel Miny
Language support -
Julie Mionnet
Associate -
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Charlène Mocci
Assistant -
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Jeanne Mocellin
Human Resources -
Samuel Montgomery
Associate -
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Jean-Yves Moock
Compliance -
Léa Moretti
Associate -
Nicolas Moumaneix
Associate -
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Justine Moustaqil
Assistant -
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Christelle Muller
Assistant -
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Amila Murati
Reception -
Alessandro Muscarella
Associate -
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Fred N'Dembi Makaya
IT -
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Sylvie Neri
Assistant -
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Marlène Neves
Logistics -
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Anne Nguyen-Huu
Assistant -
Claudia Nicastro
Associate -
Emanuele Novani
Associate -
Gabriela Olteanu
Associate -
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Sylvain Pagura
IT -
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Charlotte Pahle
Human Resources -
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Yann Palfroy
IT -
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Justine Pallotta
Assistant -
Grégory Papadopoulos
Associate -
Sarah Paquet
Associate -
Basile Paquet
Associate -
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Clémentine Parfait
Paralegal -
Teo Pastor
Associate -
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Jesper Pedersen
Marketing -
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Julia Pereslegina
Assistant -
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Floriane Perico
Assistant -
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Emilie Petitjean
Assistant -
Benoît Peymirat
Associate -
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Ana-Maria Pinto Inacio
Logistics -
Emmeline Pireaux
Associate -
Lisa Polfer
Associate -
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Alexandre Pons
Compliance -
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Delphine Posson
Human Resources -
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Laetitia Poulain
Assistant -
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Carlos Povoa
Logistics -
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Myriam Primc
Assistant -
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Cathy Prud'Homme
Accounting and billing -
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Thomas Quilbeuf
Assistant -
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Eduardo Ramos
Logistics -
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Corinne Rapin
Accounting and billing -
Sophie Rasqui
Associate -
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Benjamin Reardon
Paralegal -
Camille Reckinger
Associate -
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Valentine Redon
Assistant -
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Nidia Rei Goncalves
Assistant -
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Victoria Rey
Communication -
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Isabelle Reygaerdts
Assistant -
Jo Risch
Associate -
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Sonia Rodrigues
Assistant -
Jean-Pierre Roemen
Associate -
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Tiffany Rongvaux
Human Resources -
Tiffany Rose
Associate -
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Marion Rudloff
Facilities -
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Fanny Ruiz
Assistant -
Jennifer Rutayisire
Associate -
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Sana Saba
Assistant -
Clément Sageaux
Associate -
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Morgane Saillard
Assistant -
Thibault Sak
Associate -
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Élodie Salvi
Accounting and billing -
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Andrea Sambeat
Assistant -
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Etelvina Sanches de Oliveira
Logistics -
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Claudine Schickes
Assistant -
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Anne-Sophie Schmit
Assistant -
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Eva Schmit
Assistant -
Juliette Schneider
Associate -
Lisa Schon
Associate -
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Lisa Schroeder
Assistant -
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Claire Sénéchal
Accounting and billing -
Jérôme Serres
Associate -
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Eui-Ju Shin
Assistant -
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Marion Sigogneau
Assistant -
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Alexandra Silva Araujo
Assistant -
Louis-Arthur Silva-Terzan
Associate -
David Simon
Associate -
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Brandon Simonin
IT -
Julie Singerlé
Associate -
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Isabella Siry
Assistant -
Piotr Sklodowski
Associate -
Sarah Slib Baniowska
Associate -
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Audrey Snijders
Knowledge development -
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Sonia Sonmeguem
Accounting and billing -
Giacomo Stefanini
Associate -
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Marie Stegmann
Human Resources -
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Mikhail Stegmann
IT -
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Ella Stone
Marketing -
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Nadine Strotz
Reception -
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Céline Tailleur
Assistant -
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Célia Teitgen
Assistant -
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Pauline Teixeira
Assistant -
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Anaïs Terzi
Compliance -
Emilie Thevenot
Associate -
Zaza Thielens
Associate -
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Camille Thies
Assistant -
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Blanche Thill
Assistant -
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Nicolas Thommes
Assistant -
Rishabh Thukral
Knowledge development -
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Laura Tournache
Communication -
Claudia Trematerra
Associate -
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Marjorie Turpin
Assistant -
Loïc Untereiner
Associate -
Teresa Valero Martin
Associate -
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Eric Vandernotte
IT -
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Caroline Vidal
Marketing -
France Vilohr
Associate -
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Stéfen Viscart
Assistant -
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Ines Vivarelli
Assistant -
Elisabeth Wagner
Associate -
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Romain Wanner
IT -
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Charline Wattecamps
Assistant -
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Gilles Weber
Infrastructures -
Nicolas Weirich
Associate -
Lola Weyrich
Associate -
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Samuel Wies
Assistant -
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Silke Woerner
Language support -
Chen Xu
Associate -
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Yvona Toupalikova
Assistant -
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Margaux Zanga
IT -
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Yasmina Ziani
Assistant -
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Mélina Zilliox
Assistant -
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Françoise Zimmer
Knowledge development